- the easiest is not always the best.
- The pleasure that u feel is not always the right pleasure.
- What u say u like… could not be what u really like.
- What u believe is cool, could be austandig ridiculous.
- Maybe u believe u are lucky because u wasn’t punished for what u have done… but this ignorance could be the best way to punishing u.
- You believe now that is good to not pursue your aim.. but maybe this u should do.
- It’s not always good to see yourself as others see u… they could see just a piece of hole image.
- The decisions u arrive could affect many people that u had been thinking.
- The friendship u believed that will stand forever could last just one second more.
- The persons that u believe that cares u less could care u much that your clousest friend.
- Don't judge a man by appearance = Don't judge the book by its cover!
- But maybe the most of your decissions are the best for u and maybe what u think is right is true, and maybe is u.
- All of u be blessed!
- Cel mai usor lucru nu este si cel mai bun.
- Placerea pe care o simti nu e mereu o placere corecta.
- Ce spui ca-ti place... s-ar putea sa nu-ti placa atat de mult.
- Ce crezi ca e cool s-ar putea sa fie extrem de ridicol.
- Poate crezi ca esti norocos ca nu ai fost pedepsit... dar poate aceasta ignoranta e cel mai bun mod de a fi pedepsit.
- Tu crezi ca nu e bine sa nu perseverezi in scopul tau... dar poate chiar asta ar trebui sa faci.
- Deciziile pe care le-ai luat pot afecta mai multi oameni decat te-ai fi gandit.
- Prietenia ce credeai ca va dura mereu s-ar putea sa mai dureze o secunda.
- Persoanele care crezi ca tin la tine putin, s-ar putea sa tina mai mult la tine decat cei mai apropiati prieteni.
- Dar poate majoritatea deciziilor sunt cele mai bune pentru tine si opate ca ce crezi ca e bine este adevarat.
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